Sunday, November 15, 2009

Upcoming Social Events

December 10 - Cookie Swap
List of those who will be participating and guidelines to follow in an email. Please invite your friends. This a great outreach opportunity for our class. You also don’t have to bake to be a part of the fellowship. We always need judges!

December 13 - Class Christmas Potluck & Ornament Exchange
This year’s class Christmas fellowship will be a pot-luck dinner. I'll post again with details on how many entrees, veggies, sides, etc. W

December TBA - Zoo Lights Group
Zoo Lights at the Memphis Zoo has expanded it’s footprint to include Teton Treck and the Northwest Passage. It’s sure to be a magical evening. Group rates are $6/person for those who do not have a zoo membership. For those who do, your regular membership of $5/person applies. Please comment or email me if you're interested. We are considering December 18 or 19.

1 comment:

annecase said...

Nowlins are a definite YES!