Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prayer Requests 11/15

Sorry I missed putting last week's on here. I've listed them below this post.

- Thomas Neely (4 yrs old) is having a biopsy on a mole that will be removed from his cheek this week. (Amanda + Matt Neely)
- Praise for improvement in health of Shannon and Zoe (Bill & Cathy's daughter and granddaughter)
- Praise for Mrs. Ivey's improved health (Bill's Mom)
- Those couples experiencing marriage problems or going through divorce
- Thanks for successful Dynamic Marriage Class (10 couples)
- Please pray for Ian, Savannah, and Arlana that they will be alowed to be in a permanent family soon. Blessings and strength on the Eli family to who is fostering all 3 - with possibility of adoption
- Dan LaVelle - apply for grad school, interview Thursday
- Ann King - health questions
- Sean Prince - health issues
- Ashley's dad - looking for a job + the other request not posted here.
- Stacey's Aunt Gwen Beauford was killed in a car accident Friday. Please pray for Sid, her husband and her sons Tommy, Kevin and Don. Please pray that my parents can help comfort them during this time. Please pray for my mother as she ministers to her sister's sons through this.
- Continued prayer for the Bynums (Stacey's parents and brother/family) that their business would glorify God, that they would be blessed by this work, and that they would continue to rely on God to meet their needs during a very stressful time. Prayer that my parents will find a renter for their home in Louisville.
- Ben Pinckley - possible deployment

- Pray for the Bridgebuilders - that we would grow closers as a class and community

Meredith's friend Jessica's husband in Iraq
- Darrien Bonner- 10 y.o. at Lebonheur (not doing well)
- Shappleys- Ccontinued prayers for nephew, Lathan, and praise that he is responding very well to chemo so far. Also, my sister-in-law's (Lathan's mom) dad died yesterday.
- Merediths- Stacey's uncle- Quad bypass; JD's Grandmother- No Parkinsons but treated for depression; Stacey's Brother Todd- struggling financially; Stacey's mom and dad- sale of home- pray for good appraisal.
- Shannon's health/Cathy helping; Bill and Cathy being apart; Mom Ivey

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