Monday, November 23, 2009

Prayer Requests 11/22

Carrie and Seth- first ultrasound on wed. Find out sex. Pray for a healthy baby.
- Robert Hill- graduated from HS with Jean; his wife died last week after a 5 year struggle with breast cancer. She was only 30 and left behind a 5 year old daughter, as well as her husband.
- Lavells- Arlana, Savannah, and Ian- the Eli family- that God will direct what's best for the children. That God will do whatever it takes to bring us all close to Him. Our children too.
- Coker family- father/husband killed in MVA
- That we can continue to find ways to bless Bill's mom in ways that bring quality to her life.
- Merediths- praise for good meeting my brother had yesterday. Continued prayers for brother and family.
- Meredith's traveling to SC this week
- For all those traveling for the holidays to have safe travels.
- Matt and Laura traveling to FL this week; haven't seen Laura's family since April and getting a little nervous. Pray we would continue to be spiritually intentional with our relationships with them
- prayers for the families at LeBonheur who will be spending the holidays in the hospital.
Happy Thanksgiving! Give thanks to God!

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